Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Freezing in the Bavarian mountains - Linderhof

During my Christmas break in Bavaria, on a day that hit -18, Greg and I trekked down to Mad King Ludwig's (Ludwig II) palace in Linderhof. It was a beautiful day, and the castle is set in amongst the mountains in the south of Germany. There was a lot of snow around, so it was very pretty walking around the grounds of the castle, where all you could see was white. Inside the castle, we got an insight into the mad king... After having visited Neuschwanstein on my previous trip to Bavaria, I knew it was likely to be fairly eccentric, and I wasn't disappointed. For a castle, it was very small (only two levels, and about 4 main rooms on each floor), but it didn't lose anything in grandness. Each room is ornately decorated, and each decoration reflecting something of the eccentric personality of Ludwig, from the peacocks to the mirrors.

After visiting the castle itself, we wandered through the grounds, covered entirely with thick layers of snow in December, but a complete winter wonderland. It was cold though...

Everything was covered with bits of snow and ice, from the horses carting tourists around, to the steps and gardens of Linderhof.

The interior and exterior of Linderhof, Mad King Ludwig's castle

Sunset beginning to hit the mountains


Anonymous said...

Hi Claire,
You've really excelled with this lot of pics and comments. I have really enjoyed them. Dad 22.3

Alison said...

The sho of the horses is great - you have been really busy, haven't you?! Glad to see you are enjoying yourself and making the most of your time over there.